Sheriff’s Office Town Hall #8 with Sonoma Police Department
5:30 PM17:30

Sheriff’s Office Town Hall #8 with Sonoma Police Department

(español a continuación)

Sheriff’s Office Town Hall #8 with Sonoma Police Department

Join us at our eighth Sheriff's Office Town Hall! This town hall will be a joint event with Sonoma Police Department. This is not your typical town hall with a panel of speakers. This is a casual, interactive event that feels like an open house. There’s no agenda or program, so you can stop by and leave whenever you'd like. Hear a brief update from Sheriff Engram, then talk with Sheriff’s Office and Sonoma Police Department members who are there to answer your questions and hear your feedback. Everyone is welcome!


Reunión Comunitaria #8 - la Oficina del Alguacil y el Departamento de Policía de Sonoma

¡Únase a nosotros en nuestra octava Reunión Comunitaria de la Oficina del Alguacil! Esta reunión se llevará a cabo junto al Departamento de Policía de Sonoma. Este evento no es el típico panel de oradores. Es un evento informal e interactivo que se siente más como una casa abierta. No hay ninguna agenda ni programa, así que puede llegar y salir cuando quiera. Escuche una breve actualización del Alguacil Engram, luego hable con los miembros de la Oficina del Alguacil y del Departamento de Policía de Sonoma que están allí para responder sus preguntas y escuchar sus comentarios. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!

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Peace Officer's Memorial Day
11:30 AM11:30

Peace Officer's Memorial Day

Once again, the Sonoma County Sheriff's Office will remember our fallen members and commemorate the National Peace Officer's Memorial Day.

The ceremony will take place in front of the Sheriff's Main Office near Memorial Rock and will be available via livestream on our Facebook page.

The Honor Guard will perform the salute. Lunch to follow in the Training Room.

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Sheriff's Office Town Hall #7- Bodega Bay
5:30 PM17:30

Sheriff's Office Town Hall #7- Bodega Bay

Join us at our seventh Sheriff's Office Town Hall! This is not your typical town hall with a panel of speakers. This is a casual, interactive event that feels like an open house. There’s no agenda or program, so you can stop by and leave whenever you'd like. Hear a brief update from Sheriff Engram, then talk with Sheriff’s Office members who are there to answer your questions and hear your feedback. Everyone is welcome!

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AB 481 Community Meeting/Junta Comunitaria
5:30 PM17:30

AB 481 Community Meeting/Junta Comunitaria

(español a continuación) In accordance with AB 481, we are hosting a community meeting to discuss and answer your questions about military equipment used by the Sheriff’s Office. Please note that none of the listed equipment comes from the military; it simply meets the definition in State law AB 481. This meeting satisfies AB 481 requirements for the Sheriff’s Office, Sonoma Police Department, and Town of Windsor Police Department, CA.


De acuerdo con la ley estatal AB 481, organizamos una junta comunitaria para discutir y responder sus preguntas sobre el equipo militar utilizado por la Oficina del Sheriff. Tenga en cuenta que ninguno de los equipos enumerados proviene de las fuerzas armadas; simplemente cumple con la definición de la ley estatal AB 481. Esta junta cumple con los requisitos de AB 481 para la Oficina del Alguacil, el Departamento de Policía de Sonoma y el Departamento de Policía de Windsor.

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Town Hall #6- South County
5:30 PM17:30

Town Hall #6- South County

Join us at our sixth Sheriff's Office Town Hall! This is not your typical town hall with a panel of speakers. This is a casual, interactive event that feels like an open house. There’s no agenda or program, so you can stop by and leave whenever you'd like. Hear a brief update from Sheriff Engram, then talk with Sheriff’s Office members who are there to answer your questions and hear your feedback. Everyone is welcome!

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Pack the Patrol Car: Toy Drive and Resource Fair
2:00 PM14:00

Pack the Patrol Car: Toy Drive and Resource Fair

Join us for a resource fair and toy collection event.

We’re doing things a little differently this year! Join the Sheriff’s Office, as well as our justice partners, for a fun family-friendly event. Please bring a new unwrapped toy for donation, and get your questions answered about mental health services, law and fire services, code enforcement and more!

Toys will be distributed on a later date by the Salvation Army, R-Hoops, and local community groups and before Christmas!

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Sideshow Ordinance Community Meeting
5:30 PM17:30

Sideshow Ordinance Community Meeting

  • Sonoma Country Sheriff's Office (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

(En español a continuación) Please join us at our bilingual community meeting to discuss the proposed sideshow ordinance. The proposed ordinance would make it illegal to promote, organize, watch, and participate in sideshows in unincorporated Sonoma County. We will explain the proposed ordinance and collect public feedback at this meeting. If you can’t attend, you are welcome to submit your comments to or leave a voicemail at 707-565-8702 by November 28. The Board of Supervisors will consider adopting this ordinance at their December 5 meeting.

Únase a nosotros en una reunión comunitaria bilingüe para discutir la ordenanza propuesta para los espectáculos ilegales de autos (sideshows). Bajo la ordenanza propuesta, sería ilegal promover, organizar, mirar y participar en espectáculos ilegales de autos en las areas no incorporadas en el condado de Sonoma. En este reunión les vamos a explicar la ordenanza propuesta y aceptar comentarios del público. Si no puede asistir, envie sus comentarios a o deje un mensaje al 707-565-8702 antes del 28 de noviembre. La Junta de Supervisores consideran la adopción de esta ordenanza en su reunión el 5 de diciembre.

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Reunión Comunitaria / Town Hall #5
5:30 PM17:30

Reunión Comunitaria / Town Hall #5

(English below) Nos complace anunciar un evento especial: una reunión comunitaria con el Alguacil que se lleva a cabo totalmente en Español. Es una oportunidad para la comunidad Hispana conocer al Alguacil Engram y los miembros de la Oficina del Alguacil en un ambiente informal.

Únase a nosotros el 26 de octubre en Amarosa Academy de 5:30 a 6:30 pm. ¡Todos son bienvenidos a este evento familiar! Comenzaremos con una breve actualización del Alguacil Engram y seguiremos con conversaciones informales con las personas que protegen a la comunidad. Es una excelente oportunidad para aprender cómo funciona la Oficina del Alguacil detrás de las puertas.

* * * * *

We are pleased to announce our upcoming Spanish-language Town Hall! This is an opportunity for our Spanish-speaking residents to meet Sheriff Engram and members of the Sheriff’s Office in a welcoming, casual setting.

Join us October 26 at Amarosa Academy from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome at this family-friendly event! We’ll start with a brief update from Sheriff Engram, then follow with casual conversations with the people who serve you. This is an excellent opportunity to learn how the Sheriff’s Office works behind the scenes.

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Town Hall #4 - West County
5:30 PM17:30

Town Hall #4 - West County

Join us at our fourth Sheriff's Office Town Hall in 2023! This is not your typical town hall with a panel of speakers. This is a casual, interactive event that feels like an open house. There’s no agenda or program, so you can stop by and leave whenever you'd like. Hear a brief update from Sheriff Engram, then talk with Sheriff’s Office members who are there to answer your questions and hear your feedback. Everyone is welcome!

This is the fourth of six town halls we’re planning throughout the county over the next year, including one Spanish-language town hall. Stay tuned to our Facebook and Instagram pages for additional town hall announcements!

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Town Hall #3 - North County
5:30 PM17:30

Town Hall #3 - North County

Join us at our third Sheriff's Office Town Hall in 2023! This is not your typical town hall with a panel of speakers. This is a casual, interactive event that feels like an open house. There’s no agenda or program, so you can stop by and leave whenever you'd like. Hear a brief update from Sheriff Engram, then talk with Sheriff’s Office members who are there to answer your questions and hear your feedback. Everyone is welcome!

This is the third of six town halls we’re planning throughout the county over the next year, including one Spanish-language town hall. Stay tuned to our Facebook and Instagram pages for additional town hall announcements!

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Town Hall #2 - Sonoma Valley
5:30 PM17:30

Town Hall #2 - Sonoma Valley

Join us at our second Sheriff's Office Town Hall in 2023! This is not your typical town hall with a panel of speakers. This is a casual, interactive event that feels like an open house. There’s no agenda or program, so you can stop by and leave whenever you'd like. Hear a brief update from Sheriff Engram, then talk with Sheriff’s Office members who are there to answer your questions and hear your feedback. Everyone is welcome!

This is the second of six town halls we’re planning throughout the county over the next year, including one Spanish-language town hall. Stay tuned to our Facebook and Instagram pages for additional town hall announcements.

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Sonoma County Sheriff's Office Community Academy 2023
to Apr 29

Sonoma County Sheriff's Office Community Academy 2023

  • Sonoma County Sheriff's Office (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join your neighbors and community leaders for an informative and interactive, inside look at local law enforcement.

Presentations include: Overview of Patrol, Overview of Detention, Specialty Units - K9 & Henry 1, Investigations - CSI, VCI & PCI.

Tours include: Sheriff’s Main Office, Dispatch, County Jail & Coroner’s Office

Academy dates:March 25, April 1, April 15, and April 29 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm

Application deadline is February 27, 2023

For more information visit our Community Programs tab on our website.

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AB 481 Community Meeting
4:00 PM16:00

AB 481 Community Meeting

In accordance with AB 481, we are hosting a community meeting to discuss and answer your questions about military equipment used by the Sheriff’s Office. The meeting will start with a brief presentation about AB 481 and a summary of our equipment, followed by an opportunity for you to speak with Sheriff’s Office staff and ask any questions you may have.

You can find our current inventory of military equipment here. Please note that none of the listed equipment comes from the military; it simply meets the definition in State law AB 481

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Town Hall #1 - Welcome to the Sheriff's Office
5:30 PM17:30

Town Hall #1 - Welcome to the Sheriff's Office

Join us at our first Sheriff's Office Town Hall in 2023! This is not your typical town hall with a panel of speakers. This is a casual, interactive event that feels like an open house. There’s no agenda or program, so you can stop by and leave whenever you'd like. Hear a brief update from Sheriff Engram, then talk with Sheriff’s Office members who are there to answer your questions and hear your feedback. Everyone is welcome!

This is the first of six town halls we’re planning throughout the county over the next year, including one Spanish-language town hall. Stay tuned to our Facebook and Instagram pages for additional town hall announcements.

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Junta Comunitaria / Town Hall in Spanish
5:30 PM17:30

Junta Comunitaria / Town Hall in Spanish

(English below) ¡Por la primera vez, la Oficina del Sheriff alberga una junta comunitaria completamente en espanol! Es parte de nuestra serie de juntas “Town Hall” que albergamos a través del condado.

Únase a nosotros el 15 de enero en 3261 Dutton Avenue, Santa Rosa de 5:30 a 7:00 p.m. ¡Todos son bienvenidos y es apta para los niños! Comenzaremos con una breve actualización del Sheriff Essick, seguida de interacciones casuales e individuales con los miembros de la Oficina del Sheriff que te sirven. Es una muy buena oportunidad de entender lo que pasa detras de las puertas.

Organizaremos las siguientes juntas este año, las cuales serán en inglés.

La primavera de 2020 – El oeste del condado de Sonoma
La primavera de 2020 – El valle de Sonoma
Al principio del verano 2020 - Santa Rosa, en la Oficina del Sheriff

Contáctanos en si tienes preguntas. ¡Esperamos que nos vemos en este evento especial!

* * * * *
For the first time, the Sheriff’s Office is hosting a Town Hall completely in Spanish! It’s part of our Town Hall series that we’re hosting throughout the county.

Join us January 15 at 3261 Dutton Avenue, Santa Rosa from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Everyone is welcome at this kid-friendly event! We’ll start with a brief update from Sheriff Essick, then follow with casual, 1 on 1 conversations with the Sheriff’s Office members who serve you. This is a great opportunity to understand how things work behind the scenes.

We’re holding the following Town Halls in English this year:
Spring 2020 – West County
Spring 2020 - Sonoma Valley
Early Summer 2020 - Santa Rosa, at the Sheriff’s Office.

Contact us at if you have any questions. We hope to see you at this special event!

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Town Hall in North County
5:30 PM17:30

Town Hall in North County

Everyone is invited to our second town hall. This is an open-house style event with no agenda. Hear a brief update from Sheriff Mark, then enjoy one-on-one interactions with the people who serve you. Arrive when you can and leave when you want. Get answers to your questions. This is the second of six town halls we’ll host throughout the county.

Upcoming town halls:
West County - Fall 2019
Spanish language - January 2020
Valley - Spring 2020
Central (Santa Rosa) - Late Spring/Early Summer 2020

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Sheriff's Town Hall
5:30 PM17:30

Sheriff's Town Hall

Join Sheriff Essick, command staff and your local south beat deputies for an informal town hall meeting. Get to know your Sheriff’s Office, ask questions, see some demonstrations and let’s talk about what we can all do to continue to make Sonoma County a safe place to live and work.

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Sonoma County, One Year Later
6:00 PM18:00

Sonoma County, One Year Later

As we commemorate the anniversary of the fires that devastated so much of Sonoma County, those of us who live in and love this county reflect on the past year’s efforts to rebuild and rethink our priorities. KSRO Host Pat Kerrigan will moderate the conversation between Santa Rosa Mayor Chris Coursey, Sheriff Rob Giordano, Fire Chief Tony Gossner, and Supervisor Shirlee Zane, as they come together to discuss the setbacks, victories, and the community’s resilience this past year and look towards the future.

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Combined Fund Drive Cake Off
9:30 AM09:30

Combined Fund Drive Cake Off

  • Sonoma County Administration Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us for fun in the County Administration Building as different county departments compete in the second annual cake decorating contest.  We have an awesome baker in our office, Heather Aldridge, who will be baking and decorating her second winning cake. This years theme is Mardi Gras and she has some really great, creative ideas. Can't wait to share!!

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